"The Moving Wall"
Tribute to Vietnam Veterans
On Saturday, we ventured to Sacramento, our State Capitol, because Michael wanted to visit the "moving wall" featured at one of the Vet cemetaries. We have both been to D.C. and seen the actual monument, but this was an awesome reminder of all those who lost their lives in Vietnam. Above I've tried to take a picture of the entire wall, but you can't see the section to the left or even all the way over to the right. Many, many names...

A photo in honor of my Father's time spent in the Air Force.

And, the Eternal Flame burns in the center of the columns.
Drew and his BFF are being goofy!
Liam's new BFF, Sponge Bob Squarepants.
Well, if he's not allowed to watch it on TV he's sure going to win the stuffed animal!
"Mom, lose the fake smile, PLEASE."
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