Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Events

We start the Fall season with a visit to the pumpkin patch to select the perfect pumpkin for each of us. Takes all of 2 minutes!
Align Center

And, the hard work begins...bring on the carpal tunnel syndrome!

Daddy and Liam begin the hard work of building the "set" that will soon be our front yard Halloween extgravaganza (lots of bones involved here).

Liam's school hosts a Fall Festival with a hampster wheel!

Town Halloween Party

Liam and his classmates all dressed up!

Drew and his classmates all decked out!

Liam and gal pal at a school party

Just hangin' with his gal

Liam gets TWO teeth pulled...ouch!

Taking a trip 'round the world with his gal pal.

Our little soccer star, making goals just about everytime he gets a hold of the ball!

Do these guys look like twins or what? Drew to the left and his 2nd(?) cousin Tom.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Another relaxing weekend at the Gouveia's. Turned out to be beautiful beach weather on Saturday and fair-to-stormy on Sunday. The kids loved watching the hail come down and the thunder storms.

Just Chillin'

Liam kicking back while Dad prepares to set sail.

Hard to tell, but that's Drew and Dad in the canoe.

Again, not the best shot, but Kath and Eli take a spin in the canoe.

Labor Day Weekend 2010


"The Moving Wall"
Tribute to Vietnam Veterans

On Saturday, we ventured to Sacramento, our State Capitol, because Michael wanted to visit the "moving wall" featured at one of the Vet cemetaries. We have both been to D.C. and seen the actual monument, but this was an awesome reminder of all those who lost their lives in Vietnam. Above I've tried to take a picture of the entire wall, but you can't see the section to the left or even all the way over to the right. Many, many names...

The Honor Garden is a tribute to all armed forces.

A photo in honor of my Father's time spent in the Air Force.

A photo in honor of Michael's Father's time spent in the Marines.

And, the Eternal Flame burns in the center of the columns.

First ride of the day for Liam, Drew and Jamie, Drew's BFF.

Drew and his BFF are being goofy!

Liam's new BFF, Sponge Bob Squarepants.
Well, if he's not allowed to watch it on TV he's sure going to win the stuffed animal!
"Mom, lose the fake smile, PLEASE."
And, fun was had by all. Zzzzzzz

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of 2nd Grade & The Grizzly's

My babies started their first day of 2nd grade and first day in preschool yesterday. Liam stands in his class line just before heading in for Day 1 of 2nd Grade. Such a big boy!
Liam with his gal pals at the end of his first day (Grace, Carlie, Liam and Megan).

Drew proudly stands below his new Grizzly Bear sign.