We had a very relaxing visit to the Gouveia cabin this past weekend. Saturday was scattered showers, so we used that as an excuse to do very little, but hang out, play games and laugh, as evidenced by the pictures below. The pics below are the aftermath of Michael mimicking Katherine and telling the boys what they needed to be doing...but in his version of Katherine's voice (much closer to Mr. Bill). The boys thought this was hysterical as you can see...we thought Eli and Michael might crack a rib!

On Sunday, we decided to leisurely take a short hike to Fallen Leaf lake where the kids could climb about and throw rocks into the water. They had a fun time and even got a ride on Dadda's or Uncle Joe's shoulders. Kath and I had to walk back....whatever!

Drew and Uncle Joe discussing world peace

Enough with the serious talk, Uncle Joe takes Drew on a ride
Pièce de résistance
(Michael pretending to be a chipmunk...priceless)
Artistic photography
(by Michael and Kath)

Kids get some last minute play in before baths and head home

Homeward Bound