Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tooth Fairies and Snuggles

We have a couple news breaking items to report here at the Crowley household:

Liam lost tooth #2 last night! He was so proud when he handed it over and even more excited to put it under his pillow, so he could get $20 and a present; you know, like he did with the first tooth. (You know this can only be trouble.) The good news is Liam didn't come running into our room at 4am today to let us know that the Tooth Fairy came, but the bad news is he was crying when he realized she only left him $2 and NO present. Well, as you can imagine, we had to have a little chat about how even though sometimes we want more than we get, we do need to be thankful for what we got otherwise we're being greedy. Liam rallied really quickly and in the end was happy and even said "thank you for my $2 Tooth Fairy". I'm hoping to post a pic soon...his mouth has a very large gaping whole now.

As for the "snuggle" update, our little baby Drew has begun snuggling before bed over the last few weeks. It's AWESOME! He actually wants us to hold him and rest his head on our shoulder until it's time for bed. This is a major bonding milestone for us and we couldn't be happier. And another little update on Drew; he's really speaking a lot of words at this point. We've totally gotten over the possibility of him having any speech delay from a vocabulary standpoint. We're at the stage where he's trying to say everything, but we can't exactly understand it all yet...soon I'm sure.

Well, that's it for us. Hope everyone is still enjoying the summer. Kindergarten starts for Liam on Monday. Stay tuned for more on that topic!

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