Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Just Us!
Always having a great time.
Never any worries in the Crowley household!
What?! You don't believe me!

Drew just playing with his trucks.

Liam and Megan making goofy faces for the camera

Liam's friend turns 7 and has animals come to his party. Liam was in seventh heaven when he got to hold baby goats, chicks and bunnies. Surprisingly, he still wants to be a vet!

Last week was Dr. Suess' Birthday, so the kids were asked to dress up as their favorite storybook character. Liam (and apparently half the school) chose Cat in the Hat. Thank goodness our tutor/babysitter is a professional costume designer and she could whip something up in 3 hours. Whew!

Manly Crowley Boys On The Go!!!

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